Glycyrrhizinic acid

Glycyrrhizinic acid, also known as Glycyrrhizin, a saponin glycoside derived from licorice root extract, is recognized in traditional practices for its supportive role in promoting comfort and wellness through its properties.

When glycoside undergoes hydrolysis, it transforms into glycyrrhetinic acid. Glycyrrhizinic acid is noted for its properties that support the body’s natural defenses, including the promotion of interferon activity and support against the replication of various viruses.


Glycyrrhizinic acid is recognized for its role in supporting the body’s natural defense mechanisms, including its ability to hinder the activity of certain viruses by interfering with their life cycle. Its action involves interacting with viral proteins, which helps prevent the virus from affecting healthy cells. Additionally, it supports the body’s resilience against certain challenges, potentially by promoting immune responses that are beneficial in managing tissue wellness.